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Confidence and self-esteem are very important for every individual and it's never too early to instil them in a child. Start building their self-confidence and feed some positive energy into them!

Here are 6 Tips for Building Confidence in Your Kids/child

Love Unconditionally

Love them unconditionally based on their true nature and not just yours. Our child doesn’t think and moves through the world in the same way we do so the first step is to understand them and to approach them in the ways that are right for whom they are. Never let your love waver, even if they are acting difficult. Setting some rules and remaining consistent with your love should not change even if the child is not earning it. Our reflection as parents should let them know that our love is unconditional and help kids see their intrinsic value.

Bestow them with Praise

Look for their powers and achievements! Praise even their little efforts, even if the outcome is not as desired. Your praise will let your child realize that the consistency of effort and practice can be as important as success. Help your child know that even if things aren’t falling into place, efforts matter more than the result.

Set Realistic Goals

Help your children set their goals and let them be as realistic as they can be. Discuss with them the plans to achieve goals and also discuss the potential setbacks. Help them to know how to respond if they hit a roadblock. And also prepare yourself for watching them struggle and fail. Remember, the process of struggling is a major part of growing.

Ignore Comparing as much as you can!

Each child is unique and is possessed different qualities. It can be very tempting for us to compare children to one another comparisons only hurts your child’s self-esteem by making them feel belittled. Even in private, resist comparing your kids to anyone else.

Respect Their Interests

Sometimes what’s interesting for you is of utmost disinterest to others and the same can happen you’re your child, but all you have to do is respect their interests. This may take a lot of effort and can be challenging to spend time and effort on things you naturally don’t care about. You don’t have to pretend to like it, but showing your child that the activity matters to you because it matters to them will not only help in building their confidence but would also strengthen your relationship with the.


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