
Home / BeSingular

To inspire and create exceptional learning experiences in evolving technologies

BeSingular is a unique learning platform to educate and empower the next generation to create real and responsible impact in the world by working with the technology of the future.

The innovative and well researched curriculum imparts skill sets based on Exponential Technologies which will benefit them in every aspect of their lives.

Skill for Future Relevance

An innovative program that teaches an exponential mind set and stimulates youth to confront the road blocks and opens the door to an abundant future. BeSingular makes advanced technology accessible and fun, their innovative programs include:

• Internet of Things (IoT) and Robotics
• Augmented and Virtual Reality
• Artificial Intelligence
• Machine Learning 
• Advanced Machine Languages

BeSingular Courses on Offer:




Age 3-7

Age 3-7

Age- 13+

Mix Bag

Mechatronics Series

Mechatronics Series


Scratcholegity Series

Programming Series


Programming Series

Internet of Things


Internet of Things

Image Processing Series


BeSingular also prepares students for national and international accredited events and Target Universities based on their interest and skills.

BeSingular offers Game-Changing Learning with Life-Long Impact

As the world changes so do the learnings, what was relevant yesterday might not be relevant today. Hence, BeSingular introduces game-changing programs with a life-long impact. It is imperative to gain an early and deep understanding in the future technologies so that a child is not blindsided in future. The Academy provides game-changing programs to engage your child in age-appropriate cutting-edge environment.

About BeSingular: It is a part of the established Best Group, Technology Entrepreneurs, with over four decades of pragmatic experience in manufacturing, child development, business and technical education. It offers courses in coding, Artificial Intelligence, 3D Printing and robotics classes in South Delhi. 


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